

TEXT:児玉圭一/Keiichi Kodama

000ロックシーンの最先端を駆け抜け、輝き続けるフロンティアたちの横顔に迫るインタビュー特集「ROCK ATTENTION」。第32回に登場するのは、Torsten Luederwaldt(以下Torsten)。
母国ドイツは元より、日本で絶大な人気を誇るハードロック・バンド、Fair Warningのツアー・キーボード奏者としてその名を知られるTorstenが、通算8枚目のソロ・アルバム『10am』をリリースした。彼の自宅スタジオにてレコーディングされた。収録された13曲全ての作曲と楽器演奏をTorstenが全て担当したこのアルバムは、透明感に満ちた音像とリリカルなピアノ・プレイがリスナーを夢幻の世界へ誘う、表情豊かなメロディに溢れた傑作となっている。
A tour pianist Torsten Luederwaldt of Fair Warning which is a band which is proud of greatest popularity in Japan released solo album “10am” that is 8th his work. This album was recorded in his house studio. He took charge of composition and musical instrument perfomance of all the 13 tunes. And this album is the sound image filled to glassiness, and the masterpiece with his lyrical piano performance was full of melody of a rich expression which invites the listener to the dreamy world.
At the time of release of “10am”, we interviewed him who performed the session huge from the time of his teens to the present now. And we would like you to enjoy many of his interesting talks. (e,g, The anecdote in boyhood, his musical root, session, and the intensity to Japan)


100◆Torsten Luederwaldt プロフィール
1992年、ジャーマン・ハードロック・バンドFair Warningにツアー・キーボード奏者として参加。2001年にはFair Warningのギタリスト Helge Engelke等とDREAMTIDEを結成し3枚のアルバムとツアーに参加。
自身の活動としては、1994年のファースト・ソロアルバム『GOOD NEWS』から2011年の『HYBRID』までベスト盤を含む計7枚のインストゥルメンタル・アルバムをリリース。そして2014年1月、待望のニューアルバム『10am』を発表。膨大なセッション・ワークで培われた熟練のテクニックと優れた音楽的感性を併せ持つMusician’s musicianである彼は、ドイツ及びヨーロッパの音楽シーンにとって欠かせない存在である。
He was born in 1963 in Hannover, Germany. And he started activity as a pro musician at the age of 19. After it, he perfomed in 1800 gigs or more as a sessionist of various bands. On the other hand, he is working as a composer, an arranger, a producer, and a studio musician.
In 1992, he joined in the German hard rock band Fair Warning as a tour pianist. In 2001, He formed new band called DREAMTIDE with Helge Engelke. And as his original activity, he released the album of total of seven works from the first solo album “GOOD NEWS” of 1994 to “Hybrid”of 2011. And in January, 2014, he released new album “10am” to which it looked forwoard. He having the skillful technique cultivated by vast quantity of session works and outstanding musical sensitivity is an existence indispensable to the music scene of Germany and Europe.

— First of all, please let me know your birth date and birth place.

I was born in Hannover on July 31st , 1963

—Did you like playing a piano from the time of childhood? And what kind of music made you crazy first?

I started playing piano when I was 9 – my Grandmother bought a big old piano and my parents sent me to a piano teacher who tried to teach me classical music. For what reason ever I didn’t want to learn all the classical stuff at that time and started to play Blues & Boogie piano. From that moment on I loved playing piano more than anything else.

—What keyboard players do you like?

Torsten:そのリストは長い年月に渡るよ…1930年代のブギウギ・ピアニストをまず好きになって。それから70年代にRolling Stonesの大ファンになった。特にアルバム『Exile on Main Street』が大好きだった。「Loving cup」がお気に入りの曲で、僕はその曲でのNicky Hopkinsのピアノに物凄くインスパイアされたと思う。次にインスピレーションを受けたピアノ・プレイはケルンでのKeith Jarrettのライヴだった。かなり後になってからだけどBruce Honsbyのファースト・アルバム『The Way It Is』も好きだった。もちろんDavid FosterTOTOのメンバー達、David PaichSteve Porcaroも大好きだよ。それから70年代後期に聴いた『Jeff Beck live with the Jan Hammer group』でのJan Hammerのプレイは、僕にムーグ・シンセを買わせたね。もっと名前を挙げられるよ… DREAM THEATERJordan RudessKevin MooreFreddy Mercuryだって好きだ。それともちろん Deep Purpleの『Live in Japan』も聴いていたよ。ロック以外では坂本龍一が僕のヒーローの一人さ。僕が作曲してレコーディングしたかった音楽は全部彼が先にやってしまった…忌々しいったらありゃしない(笑)それと僕はLyle Maysがキーボードを弾いている古いPat Metheny のアルバムを聴き続けている。僕が好きなギタリストを挙げ始める前にこの話題は止めた方が良さそうだね(笑)
The list is long after so many years…it started with old Boogie Woogie piano players from the 30ties. In the seventies I became a big Rolling Stones fan – I loved especially the album “Exile on Main Street”. “Loving cup” was my favorite song and I guess that Nicky Hopkins‘ piano inspired me a lot. Next piano inspiration was Keith Jarrett‘s Köln Concert and many years later Bruce Hornsby‘s first album “the way it is”. Of course I liked David Foster and the TOTO guys David Paich and Steve Porcaro. Jan Hammer was the reason why I bought a Moog synth in the late seventies after I had listened to “Jeff Beck live with the Jan Hammer group” album. I could throw in many more names – DREAM THEATER‘S Jordan Rudess or Kevin Moore, even Freddy Mercury and of course I’ve also listened to Deep Purples “made in Japan” Besides rock music Ryuichi Sakamoto is one of my heroes. All the music I would like to compose and record he already did…how frustrating (laughs) And I’ve listened a lot to old Pat Metheny albums with Lyle Mays on keybords. Guess I have to stop here before I start with my favourite guitar players …(laughs)


—Please let us know the cause which became a session man.

Well – in fact I never planned any of the steps in my so called career – I just wanted to be a musician and everything else happened somehow coincidentally. I’ve always spent most of my time working on my own music whether I released it or not – but around that many opportunities came up – both on stage and in studios. I think there were more jobs for a “playing” keyboardist back in those days because computer technology wasn’t so highly developed as it is now where everybody has tons of plug ins in his computer and a sequenzer to trigger them.

—Please let us know the impressive session especially in many session works which you performed until now.And which song is your best performance shown in?

I’m a very self-critical person therefore I’m never sure about my performance. When I was younger I thought that this would change over the years but it didn’t happen yet (laughs) Session work for bands also has changed since I started – less and less playing but more and more delivering sounds that fit into the musical context – I really like to work on this sound puzzle too but of course it is not a real performance in a sense of playing. One of my funniest sessions happened many years ago in Horus Studio Hannover where I was booked for a british thrash metal band – I was wondering why they needed a keyboard player until I found out that they were working on a kind of Gospel part as an outro for the album – so I played gospel piano on a thrash metal album (laughs)

—Helge Engelkeとはどのように仲良くなったのですか?彼はあなたと長年に渡る同盟的な関係を築いていますね。彼に関するコメントが有りましたらお願いします。
—How did you make friends with Helge Engelke? He is long alliance-like association with you. If there is comment about him, please let us know.

400Torsten:ああ、僕等はFair Warningのライヴ・ステージでは同じ立ち位置を共有しているよね。だから僕等は上手くやって行かなければならなかった(笑)いやいや真面目な話、僕がFair Warningでやり始めた時から時から Helgeは僕のお手本なんだ。彼がFair Warningのデモ・テープまたはアルバム収録曲のキーボード・トラックを録音していたからね。そして僕等はライヴ演奏予定曲のすべてのキーボード・プレイをお浚いする為に多くの時間一緒に過ごしたよ。それを殆ど彼の家でやったんだ。それは必ずしも厳しい労働って感じでは無かったね…少なくとも僕にとっては(笑)。 とにかく、その頃から僕等はお互いに頼り合っていた。それは後のDREAMTIDEでの共同作業の基礎になったと思うよ。あと忘れてはいけないのは、僕等は2人とも和食が大好きだって事(笑)
Well – we share the same stage side at the Fair Warning gigs and so we had to get along well (laughs) – no seriously…since I started to work with Fair Warning Helge was my reference person as he had recorded most of the keyboard tracks that were on the Fair Warning demos or albums and so we spent a lot of time together to sort out all the keyboard stuff that I was supposed to play live. This happened mostly in his house and so it wasn’t always a strict working atmosphere…at least for me. (laughs) Anyway – from that time on we rely on each other and I think that was also the base for our later DREAMTIDE collaboration. And not to forget – we both love Japanese food (laughs)

—I think that the essence of classical music is contained in your solo album. Please let us know the composer of favorite classical music.

Torsten:最近、僕のソロ・ピアノ曲のいくつかがクラシック音楽風だと人々が言っている事に気付いたよ。 僕の純粋なピアノ曲の殆どが即興であって、僕はそれらを再現出来ないって事を言っておかなくちゃね。過去のセッション時、僕はいつも非常に長い間に渡って即興の訓練を行っていたんだ。最近では最初にピアノの先生がいた事に感謝しているよ。先生から非常に役に立つピアノのテクニックを学べたからね。でも僕はクラシック・ピアニストではないし、厄介な事に楽譜も上手く読めない(笑)だけど近頃ではクラシック音楽を良く聴いているよ。モーツアルトの幾つかのピアノ・コンサートが僕のお気に入りだ。グリーグドビュッシーも好きだね。そしてやはりバッハは外せないよね。
I’ve noticed that people say that some of my solo piano tunes have a classical music flavor. I have to say that most of those pure piano tunes are improvised and I wouldn’t be able to reproduce them. I always improvised a lot during very long practice sessions in the past. Nowadays I’m thankful that I had this piano teacher in the beginning because I learned about piano technique which became very helpful but I’m not a classical pianist and I can’t read a music score well which is quite embarrassing …(laughs) But in these days I really like to listen to classical music. Some of the Mozart piano concerts are my favorites, I like Grieg and Debussy and of course there is no way around Bach.


—これは僕の印象なのですが、ドイツのロックには2つの派閥があると思われます。一方は Lucifer’s friend、Scorpions そして Fair Warningのようなハードロック派。もう一方はAmon Duul II や CAN、Ashra Tempel そして Kraftwerkのようなエクスペリメンタルな音楽グループです。あなたはこれらの実験的なグループから影響を受けましたか?
—Although this is my impression, it seems that two factions exist in rock music of Germany. One side is hard rock bands, such as Lucifer’s friend, Scorpions and Fair Warning. And another side is experimental musical groups, e.g., Amon Duul II 、CAN, Ashra Tempel and Kraftwerk. Did you influenced musical from those experimental musical groups?

Torsten:実験的なグループ達が登場して来た頃、僕はとても若かったから違うジャンルの音楽を聴いていたね。Kraftwerkだけは覚えているよ。彼らには僕がラジオで聴いた「アウトバーン」のような大ヒット曲があったからね。それから数年後、CANのメンバーだった Holger Czukay を聴いていたよ。彼は素晴らしいユーモアセンスで幾つかのフリーキーな曲をやっていた。後になって僕はKraftwerk を再発見した。2003年に彼等が『tour de france』というアルバムを出した時にね。あれは大好きだね。実際、僕は若い頃にドイツのロックバンドを聴いていなかった。Scorpionsの故郷であるハノーヴァー出身なのにも関わらずね(笑)僕のヒーローはQueenJourneyTOTOVan Halen達なんだ。
At the time when the experimental groups came across I was very young so I was listening to different stuff. I remember only Kraftwerk as they they had huge hits like “Autobahn” which I knew from radio. Some years later I listened to Holger Czukay who was member of CAN – he did some kind of “freaky” stuff with a great sense of humor. Later I rediscovered Kraftwerk when they released an album called “tour de france” in 2003. I like that a lot. Actually I didn’t listen to German rock bands in my younger days though I’m from Hannover the hometown of the Scorpions (laughs). My heroes were Queen, Jouney, TOTO, Van Halen etc.

—あなたは大ヒット曲「In the summer time」で有名なイギリスのバンド、Mungo Jellyのアルバムでプレイしていますね。彼らのアルバムに参加した経緯を教えてください。
—You’re playing it in the British band famous for “In the summer time”, the album of Mungo Jelly. Please let us know the process that you played with their album.

PONTorsten:Mungo JerryことRay Dorsetは長い期間僕の故郷のハノーヴァーからそれほど遠くない所に住んでいたんだ。2000年頃に僕の友達が彼を紹介してくれた。それで僕等は何度か一緒に凄く楽しいライヴをやった。僕はオリジナルのMungo Jerryの音楽が好きで、殆どの曲を知っていたからね。後日、僕等はハノーヴァーの小さなスタジオでアルバムを録音した。それは古き良き日々みたいだった。クリック・トラック無し、コンピューターも無し、殆どが一発録りだった。3日間で13曲録ったよ。僕は後でソロパートをオーバーダブ出来たら良いなと思ったけど、その機会は無かった(笑)2、3の曲で僕はバンジョーさえ弾いているよ。10代の頃以来弾いた事が無かったのにも関わらずね。凄く面白かったよ。後年、Ray Dorsetはイギリスへ戻って行ったけど、日程が合えば僕等は時々ライヴを一緒にやっているよ。
Ray Dorset aka Mungo Jerry has been living in Germany for many years not too far from my hometown Hannover – a friend of mine introduced me to him around the year 2000 and so we played some gigs together which was big fun because I liked the original sound of the band and knew most of the songs. Later we recorded an album in a small studio in Hannover – it was like in the old days – no click track, no computer, mostly one take – 13 songs in 3 days. I thought I would overdub the solos later but no chance (laughs) . On two or three songs I even played banjo which I haven’t done since my teenager days…so funny. Lately he moved back to England but we still play live together occasionally when we can coordinate the dates.

—Please tell us about the concept, the message that you put in your new album

I still love to record complete albums – as I still like to listen to complete albums myself. Maybe nobody cares in these download and streaming days but I still like the concept to put tracks in a special order, trying to find appropriate song titles which isn’t that easy in case of instrumental music. The rest just happens quite naturally – I’m doing this work because I love to be creative – of course it is even more satisfying when other people like the result too ;-) I don’t record typical rock keyboard albums to show how fast I can play – it’s all about melody and atmosphere.


—Which do you like better, tour or studio work?

I definitely spend more time in studio especially in my own home studio but if interesting live gigs are waiting I am really glad to have the opportunity to travel, to get direct feedback from an audience and to meet music fans. I try to keep in in a good balance – then it’s perfect for me.

—You are considered to be a Japanophile. What do you like about Japan? And If you have a comment to the Japanese fan, please let us know.

Torsten:初めて訪れた時から日本は素晴らしかった…そしてさらにそこから発展して行ったんだ。もちろん外国を探索する最適な方法は大成功したツアーをやっているバンドに同行する事なんだろうけど。僕は1993年にFair Warningが僕のフライトを予約した時には日本に対して何を期待すれば良いのか分からなかった。だけど、僕はまだ日本での最初の夜に東京のレストランで供されたスキヤキ、スシそしてもちろん多少のお酒の事を覚えているよ。それはその日から僕を和食好きにさせるほど強烈なインパクトがあったに違いないよ。日本で僕はいつもとても良い扱いを受けている。仕事、プライベートでの滞在に関係無くね。今では日本は第二の故郷になったよ。ミュージシャンとしては、僕は日本のファンの人たちが持つ情熱が大好きだ。ライヴ会場でも特別な雰囲気を醸し出してくれるからね。経験した事の無い人には説明しづらい事なんだけど。それは非常にポジティブなエネルギーであって、それは僕がライヴ演奏を行う最高の理由の一つなんだよ。
It felt just great from the beginning – and even developed from there…. Of course it is a perfect way to explore a country when you have the chance to accompany a band on a successful tour. I didn’t know what to expect when Fair Warning booked my flight in 1993 – but I still remember the first evening in a restaurant in Tokyo with sukiyaki, sushi and of course a few sake – it must have made a big impression on me as from that day on I loved japanese food. I’ve always been treated well in Japan – no matter if I’ve been there for work or on a private mission. It became my second home. As a musician I love the passion of the fans – there’s always a special athmosphere in the venue which is difficult to explain to somebody who hasn’t experienced it. Very positive energy and one of the best reasons for playing live.

10am artwork 400x400
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◆Torsten Lueederwaldt New Album『10am』